Don't get me wrong. I love Lebron the player. There's nothing he can't do with a basketball. He is gifted.
But that's different from being God's gift to basketball. To be that you need more than talent. You need gravitas. You need the "oomph." You need to be a great teammate. Well-respected. You know, a winner through and through. (And just to be precise, one need not have a ring to be a winner; it's more of an attitude thing.)
AND you must NOT be lame.
Lebron's actions in the past couple of months have been, for lack of a better term, LAME. First there was that pregame crap he used to do with members of his team––you know, James with an imaginary camera clicking photos while the other Cavs pose. Shaq, the outspoken dude that he is, called the thing lame. He was right then. (He's also their newest teammate, but that's another story.)
Then there was LBJ walking off after losing to the Magic in the ECF. He didn't stick around to shake the hands of Howard, et al., didn't bother to congratulate his opponents. (Contrast that with the Celtics, particularly Ray Allen, who even hugged former teammate Rashard Lewis and gave an encouraging word or two.) The King said he didn't like losing, which is why he just left. That was lame.
And now the latest example of lameness: Lebron is dunked on during a pickup game, and later instructs Nike peeps to confiscate tapes of the minor event so it won't be posted on YouTube.
Dude. That's not just lame. That's just plain uncool.
Photo from here.
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